Learning About Voice Search Optimization

Have you ever picked up your phone and then taken the help of a voice assistant? Of course, you have. Using Google Assistant to search for a product or service, or browse is the hype. And yes, this is the voice search. Hey Siri! So, voice search is a wonderful way to ask for anything from the web.

Users love to use voice search because of the ease. 36.6% of US people use voice assistants. Perhaps, you can name voice search as an easy-to-use technology. And the number of voice search users is increasing day by day.

However, the process starts when you ask for something on a specific website, and then their artificial bot starts giving the visitors a reply. So, this is a flexible way of voice search. Around 27% of the online population is now using voice searches.

The number will increase day by day. From this read learn more about voice search optimization, how it works, and so forth. Let’s tune the show. 

What is Voice Search Optimization?

Likewise, text search optimization and voice search optimization mean ranking your website according to the voice searches. How come? Let’s take a scenario of your website.

You have your website included with the voice search in the web pages according to the algorithm. Then your website will rank higher and users will reach your website first rather than your competitors. Also, the users are now really on the surge of voice search.

Around 77% of mobile users love voice search which lies in the age group of 18-34. Most teens and young love to use voice search to seek any information online.

Voice search Optimization should be in a way that the user finds it like another person is answering his queries. The written part of a website that is loudly presented should be in a conversational way. 

Why Optimize For Voice Search?

Simply because it will boost your sales, or increase the lead conversion. Voice search is a growing online thing. As an owner of any website, you should decide how to strategize things accordingly. The growing technology is producing more and more voice search devices.

You have Alexa, Google’s Siri, and more to come. So, these voice engagement tools are available to many people. Once these devices were costly. But with growing time, all is handy and available. 

So, will you keep your website one step behind? of course not. As voice search engagement is growing, you should work on your website in such a way that will align with the users’ voice searches and the Google bot automatically rank your website at the top. 

It is expected that the e-commerce sites that adopt voice search optimization will triumph in ROI and it will be by 30% in 2023. Because you are expanding your audience level. If you fail to optimize your voice search on the website, you are hidden from a big amount of people that rely on smart voice search devices.

Today people want to grab their smartphone or turn on the smart TV and ask for anything they want to move with. So, your website should be equipped and quick on voice search optimization. 

Number of voice search tool users or should I define them as smart speakers, will grow by 200 million by 2023 just in the USA, let alone the worldwide scenario. So, optimizing the voice search will increase your overall SEO ranking of the website, and lastly create more impressions.

Importance of Voice Search

There are a bunch of reasons why voice search is an important hook nowadays. Let’s take a look at the reasons one by one…

  • Use of no hands: Okay, this process is a payoff. Voice search allows internet users to take their hands from devices. Well, once you are connected through the voice search devices, you can easily operate things with your voice command. Like, you need to change the song playlist? “Alexa, change the playlist”. So, things are really handy nowadays. It allows the users to do multiple tasks at a time. Like you are in the kitchen, chopping your veggies but still able to change the music with Alexa. It gives the users a comfortable situation to deal with the searches!
  • The next level local SEO campaigns: Prioritizing your local level traffic is very important to enhance your ROI. As a business body, remember to optimize the SEO at every level. Your voice search keywords and the text keywords should be optimized in such a way that it grabs local traffic. The local-level SEO campaign is readily triggered through voice searches. So, try to incorporate the local voice searches formula into your website.
  • Easy delivery of the queries: The voice search allows the easy delivery of a user’s question. When a person asks through voice search and gets audible answers, it is pleasant for him. Again, not only the written website content, even the AI bots are now voice-overs. They don’t take the time to write anything, their answers are audible. Thus this makes message delivery 3.7 times faster than typing. So, building the voice search system for both the end customer and the owner of the website will greatly initiate a quicker process. 
  • One voice-many people: Guess what, you are sitting in the living room with your friends and then searching for something over the voice devices. What will happen? Many of you will get the results. That means with one thought, many of you will be served. Sometimes it initiates the business of any website. If the rest of the people near the user like the content of a website like its product, or services, they will also go and check out the content later. So, the voice searches again triumph in both the end.
  • Supporting multiple languages: The voice search technology in a website can come with different, mostly used languages. As a result, it will increase your traffic. Voice search devices are equipped in that way to understand several languages. Even the websites are now designed in a way to support those languages Now anyone with any language he speaks can enter the voice search industry.
  • Voice search is for everyone: As a matter of fact, this digital wave is handy for everyone. People who don’t know how to type correctly or those who are disabled can readily use the voice assistant. In this way, they can also be part of smart searches yet comfortable for them. 

So, now you can point out that voice search is not a dream any more now it has become a daily digital activity because of its ease, availability, and trend.

of course, the voice search is different from the text search in some ways. Though the context is the same. The SEO formula is the same in both cases, but there are some points in which the voice search needs a little extra care than the text search. Perhaps, voice search is an easy technology but optimizing it might be difficult. Okay, let’s picture how voice search differs from text search.

Optimize The Question and Long Keywords

When people speak, they use a full sentence, and the keyword is included in this sentence. But if a user is typing, he might just type any specific keyword that the browser can catch and provide him with relevant results.

So, the website owner should target the question and long-tail keywords to optimize the voice search. As we know, 58% of young internet users like speaker searches, so you must integrate SEO according to that. The question keywords should be in the H2 that readily satisfies a user’s query. 

Tagging The Near me and FAQ

The more you add the FAQ to your web pages, the more voice search optimization is rigid. Like you have the question keywords in it and also the short, concise answers. Moreover, most of the time, voice searches accomplish an instant query.

How? For example, if you are going for dinner with your friends, you want to find the nearest restaurant. You will turn on your location and ask the browser to give you the “near me” restaurant lists.

So, if you have a brick-and-mortar shop, try to mention the location clearly and optimize it so that you can stand out in the crowd. Around 16% of internet users go for voice search for “near me” queries. 

Pitch With Conversational Tone

You and Me, type of conversation wins the best in online marketing. Rather than being boring with the tone, try to make your website content interesting as if you are talking with your traffic. It should be like you are answering them.

When a user asks “what, how, when”, your website should contain these answers and just like a conversation between you and the user. Try to use “I and You” in the content. That makes your voice search optimization a perfect one.

All Device Friendly

 When you are a website owner, you want that to be on everyone’s screen. Mobile or web, your website should be all device friendly. Though nowadays most people use mobile phones, so the website voice search techniques should be arranged according to that. 27% of mobile users do voice searches daily. So, if your website is mobile-friendly, then you are one step ahead.

Fast Website is a Must

When you have a slow website, however, your voice search optimization is, it will eventually drop. People leave a site if it takes more than 2-3 seconds to unload. Even the Google algorithm will start giving the loud answers for your voice query when the website is best in SEO and speed. 

Place in The Google Featured Snippet

If you can describe the query to the point, your website will appear in the Google featured snippet. Google showcases the best-suited answers in the featured snippet. Like your website has got some information that is relevant to the user’s query, Google’s featured snippet tries to present it shortly as the result, then you can click on the website to have a broad overview. So, make a way to get into the Google featured snippet with your best voice SEO design.

Using Structured Data

Hence the structured data helps to rank you higher. How is that? The schema markup or the structured data assists the browsers or search engines to believe in your content. Then ultimately the relevant information or data to the user’s query will appear in an organic search. Here the schema markup works silently.

It does so good for your SEO and makes you visible. Schema markup works as a bridge between your website content and search engines. So, the schema markup drags your relevant and best content to the engines. When you decide to optimize your voice searches, use the semantic vocabulary codes in your HTML. You will surely win the SEO game.

Let’s Speak Out

Now that you know about the overall picture of the voice search, let your website voice be loud. Remember to move with the trends, and this trend is going to move forward, which was one day impossible, is possible today.

With all the technological advancements, the voice search trend will increase day by day. Then make your website content, and voice search strategies accordingly and get more traffic and readers in a row. So, give your website a voice!

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