Parents Guide To VR Headsets and Games For Kids

Looking for ideal VR games and headsets for your kids? You are just at the right place. Being a parent and letting kids enter the virtual world is a complicated decision to make. This section’s major concerns are eye stains, headaches, addiction, effects on behavior, and accidental falls while playing VR games. Parents need to control and maintain the proper VR gaming practice for their kids. 

However, the VR headset for kids differs from that designed for adults. It’s not just about the design, size, or attractive colors suitable for kids but more features are included in these headphones, i.e. parental control, restrictions, locking system, and more. This feature allows parents to monitor their kids’ activities in the VR world. 

The same goes for VR games; the games for kids are made considering their age and mental health. For instance, a sword battling game can negatively impact the kids’ behavior, encouraging them toward violence. An alternative kids’ game like ninja fruit is the ideal choice for this. In this article, we’ll discuss Parents Guide To VR and ensure your kid is not led in the wrong direction by being addicted to virtual fantasy. So, first, let us know what VR is- 

What Is VR?

VR stands for ‘Virtual Reality.’ It creates an artificial environment through a computer containing images and objects that appear genuine, giving the user the impression that they are engaged in their surroundings. The most popular uses of virtual reality are in entertainment, including video games, 3D movies, dark rides in amusement parks, and social virtual worlds. There are three types of virtual reality: non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully immersive simulations. However, VR games are available in all three forms. 

VR Headsets

There are now several types of VR, all of which revolve around a headset that is fastened to the user’s face. There are two kinds of headsets: tethered and untethered.

Tethered Headset

The recently announced PlayStation VR2 (also known as the PS VR2) and its predecessor, the PS VR, are examples of tethered headgear. You must connect these gadgets to an external source, which powers the video game. For instance, a PlayStation 5 needs to be connected to the PS VR2.

Untethered Headset

The Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest Pro are the most widely used models of untethered headsets. Unlike their tethered relatives, these are entirely independent and run games and programs directly from the device. It’s important to note that most untethered headsets can now be connected to a computer, allowing for more games with better visuals (depending on how powerful your PC is). Notably, the Meta Quest Pro is intended for something other than the general consumer looking for amusement but for the corporate and professional market.

VR Games

A three-dimensional, or 3D, artificial environment in computer games is known as virtual reality gaming. VR gaming lets you stay active while enjoying traditional games instead of spending hours on the couch with a controller. In this type of gaming, you might need to move across the room or flap your arms to fulfill an objective, which helps you burn calories too.

The VR game approach combines hardware and software that creates an artificial environment giving us a real-life experience. The software provides the depicted virtual environment that makes you feel like you are in the real world. Meanwhile, the hardware supports sensory stimulation and simulation like noises, touch, smell, or heat intensity. And to bring these senses active, there are different supporting devices like- haptic gloves, bodysuits, headsets, and more. These devices can detect motion and thus creates a sensation that matches the real-life experience. This combination makes VR games an outstanding experience for all ages; kids and adults enjoy the VR experience. 

Parents Guide To VR Headsets For Kids

Virtual reality equipment often comes in the form of VR headsets for both adults and children. These gadgets combine electronic joysticks or sensors, 3D goggles, visors, and body- and gesture-tracking technology to immerse players in virtual, audible worlds. It’s also one of several entry points into the Metaverse, a virtual reality setting where users can communicate with one another and artificial environments as digital avatars. When wearing a VR headset, experiencing loop-de-loops on a roller coaster, walking through Rome’s streets, or skiing down a mountain is exactly like being there.

However, the factors for choosing a VR headset for kids are different from that for adults. So, check the below points to select the best VR headset for your kid-

Parental Controlling Options

Despite how cool and futuristic these digital games are, it’s crucial to remember that virtual reality technology is made precisely to make the unreal feel real. They provide access to a world of music, movies, games, and multiplayer social activities, like other connected high-tech devices like smartphones and gaming consoles. Not every headset has built-in parental controls that can restrict access to acceptable content for a certain user’s age, connectivity options, login hours, and other factors. So, before purchasing a VR headset, ensure it has parent-controlling options. 

Check The Age Range 

Make sure to follow hardware recommendations while looking for a VR headset for children. For instance, children under the age of 13 should not use the majority of VR headsets. On the box, many virtual reality systems list the suggested user age ranges. These product-based age ratings may or may not be supported by medical research. Instead, they merely offer a useful overview of the age ranges for which the device manufacturer created the product. So, research and ensure the VR headset is ideal for your kids’ age. 

Go For Unlock Pattern Facilities 

The unlock patterns on VR headsets provide parents with more control over their child’s VR experience. To add a better degree of protection, you can make an unlock pattern to stop your youngster from accessing sites for 18+ people. Thus, your children will need your access or passwords each time they use the VR headset. You can also lock particular apps from VR by using this feature. In this way, you can limit access to certain apps and can stop your kids from playing games that are not appropriate for their age.

VR Experience The Headset Provides 

To ensure your kids get a premium VR experience, you must check some factors before purchasing any VR headsets. These are as follows- 

  1. Degree of Freedom (DoF): The possible movement the user can experience is measured in degrees of freedom (DoF). VR headsets either provide 3DoF or 6DoF. You must consider this factor to ensure your kid gets a quality virtual experience using the headset. The rotational flexibility is provided through 3DoF (360° tracking), allowing your kid to turn their heads. In addition to the rotation, 6DoF offers positional mobility. You can give your kid a more immersive VR experience by purchasing a 6DoF headset, which can address upward or downward, left or right, and forward or backward movement.
  1. Field Of View (FOV): The view range wearing the headset is termed the field of view. Our FOV can extend up to 220° when the eyes are rotated. However, the horizontal FOV of most VR headsets is roughly 100 degrees, but some devices can extend up to 200 degrees. The immersion will be minimal if the field of view is too small. So, to give your kid a better experience, go for a VR headset with a higher field of view. 
  1. Tracking Position: Positional tracking refers to accurately monitoring the user’s (and the VR headset) position. The VR experience is improved by accurate tracking. The VR experience of your kid may be severely hampered if there is a lag between their position in real life and the game. So, ensure the headset has a proper position tracking system. 
  1. Refresh Rate: The refresh rate is a crucial factor to consider to provide a real VR immersion to your kids. Go for a VR headset with at least a refresh rate of 90 Hz. However, you will get better options available in the market. 

Size of The Headset

You must consider the headset’s size when discussing VR headsets for children. Here remember, the perfect size is a must. The regular sizes available for VR sets won’t fit your kid. It would be best to look for kid-specialized headsets designed for your children’s age group. For the best gaming experience, ensure the child’s head fits the headset precisely to block off the sun’s rays. In case the headset is too loose, kids won’t be able to track the position accurately and thus can fall or get injured while playing. 

Easy Usage Suitable For Kids

VR headsets ought to offer an extremely entertaining gaming experience. So, seek a comfortable VR headset for your kid with premium audio and visual components. A brand-specific app for that headset would be even better! Furthermore, because you’ll be buying a headset for a kid of 12 years+, ensure it will be simple for them to operate.

Look For Lightweight Features 

Heavy headsets are difficult for kids to carry for a long time which can cause headaches. Most weight is on the display lens and computer hardware because they are placed in front of the kids’ eyes. The cheekbones and nose may experience some pressure as a result. That is why you should use a lightweight headset to lessen the strain on a kid’s face. The lighter the device is, the more comfortable it is for the kids to carry on. You may not find more advanced features on lightweight ones, yet we suggest you go for this one because comfort is fast for kids’ usage.  

Top 10 VR Headset Recommendation For Kids 

Choosing the best VR headset can be tricky as numerous options are available in the market. However, no worries, I’ve enlisted the top 10 VR headphones suitable for kids; check this out- 

Sl.VR Headsets For KidsFull Product Details
1Meta Quest 2Check Price
2HP Reverb G2Check Price
3HTC VIVE Pro Virtual Reality SystemCheck Price
4Meta Quest ProCheck Price
5Nintendo Nintendo Labo VR KitCheck Price
6Oculus Rift SCheck Price
7Google CardboardCheck Price
8BNEXT VR HeadsetCheck Price
9Sony PlayStation VRCheck Price
10Merge VR HeadsetCheck Price

Parents Guide To Choose The Best VR Games For Kids

Parents are not comfortable letting their kids enter the virtual world. They believe that it can badly impact the mental health of the kids. However, it is not entirely wrong. But yet, if you are careful and take proper action in controlling the gaming limitation, VR gaming can be used to build your kid’s character. Here is a guide for parents to choose VR games for their kids- 

  1. Parents Dashboard

Many VR gaming apps have a parent dashboard for kids. This enables the parents to connect to their children’s accounts via a process started by the kid and with agreement from both parties. If you have a kid, go for such games with control panels. Such VR apps will request your approval when your kid downloads or purchases any game. 

Your kid can submit an “Ask to Buy” request, which triggers a notification to your mobile phone. Then you can approve or deny the request from the app. This will also allow you to block specific apps that may be inappropriate for your child. And every app that the kid owns will be visible to the parent. Here are the advantages of having a parents dashboard in VR gaming- 

  • Parents will get a purchase notification each time their kid buys or downloads a VR game.
  • Before purchasing, parents will receive an approval request, which they can deny if they find the game inappropriate for the kids’ age.
  • Parents can monitor their kids’ VR friend list through the app.
  • The parent can disable Link and Air Link, preventing their teen from using their headset to view content from their PC.
  1. Health and Safety Guidelines

Before letting your kids play the VR game, ensure the room is appropriate. Virtual reality games require continuous movements. If the room is too small or has furniture or other restrictions, your child can get hurt while moving. And if there is a stair around, this can get risky. So, follow the safety guidelines before letting your kid play VR games. In the latter half of the article, I’ve suggested some VR room setting ideas; follow them to ensure safety for your kids. 

  1. Games’ Rating

Consider the content and age ratings when choosing solo and online VR games. Families should be aware of and discuss what kinds of virtual reality content, such as violent cartoons, coarse humor, etc., are appropriate for children to view. Given that these are mostly digital downloads, these ratings are typically shown next to the product description in the online store where they are purchased. Remember that not all downloading apps and multimedia content children will come across will be labeled. Kids should feel free and encouraged to seek your advice if they have questions or come across dubious material.

Review the ratings and comments before downloading any game for your child. Parents who want additional information about particular games will find many materials at the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). Their extensive database is simple to explore and offers a synopsis of the game and individualized ratings for several content categories. 

  1. Subject Matter Of The Game

If your child wants to play a game that involves guns or other physical activity, consider if there is a suitable alternative that offers a comparable experience with minor adjustments. Kids might play a game like Candy Kingdom VR, a point-based game with guns that shoot candy, as an alternative to a first-person game that encourages direct acts of violence against other people. This will prevent your kids from gaining a negative impact on their attitude playing violent games. 

  1. Converse About Kids’ VR Gaming Experiences 

VR games create an excellent opportunity for kids to experience reality because VR feels authentic. These can help you teach your kids real-life facts. Through them in a situation in the virtual world and check how they cope. And ask how it felt and what makes virtual reality (VR) different from traditional video games. Talk to your kids about how VR allows them to relate to authentic experiences.

  1. Avoid Inappropriate Games; Focus On Gaining Good Experience 

Keep your children away from VR games that encourage behaviors you wouldn’t want them to experience, such as utilizing violent weapons. They will blend reality and the virtual world. This will directly affect the mentality of the kids. They will eventually get into violence in real life. In this way, it can greatly hamper the future of your kid. 

On the other hand, use VR to expose children to experiences they wouldn’t often get to have, like traveling to a different country and experiencing its culture. It can also be games that teach your kids good manners, like tree plantation, cooking games, etc. This will build up the behavior and attitude of the child. And help in healthy growth. 

  1.  Set Rules, Limits, and Guidelines With Your Kids

Understanding how VR users connect, communicate, and consume material is crucial. Kids can use VR headsets, like other Internet-capable gadgets, to explore the web, share or chat with others online, and exchange or take in multimedia content like images, videos, songs, and movies. The greatest VR games for kids often allow you to play in open areas with dozens or hundreds of other players. In this case, if they get close to the wrong companies, it will negatively impact the child’s growth. So, establish boundaries, guidelines, and rules with your kids regarding what activities are acceptable to partake in at what times and who and how to interact with. Be explicit and consistent about the consequences of breaking the rules and how they will be enforced.

  1. Teach Basic Ethics To Kids To Prevent VR Misusage 

Tools for parenteral administration and supervision may have limitations, but they can help kids use technology more safely. VR gaming apps offer opt-in tools; they are not meant to coerce kids into using them. However, even parentally mandated instruments have their limitations. Kids may frequently find ways to cross the restrictions set for them, and even if they succeed on one app or gadget, there will inevitably be others that they use that lack these protections. For this reason, teaching kids how to protect themselves is crucial—a skill that will last a lifetime. Additionally, restricting particular sorts of behavior or information is not the only option. So, educate your child to make the right decision and let them know the consequences of making bad decisions.

Best VR Games Recommendation For Kids  

Choosing the ideal game for kids is essential. Adult games can create a negative mindset in your child. So, here are some kid’s VR game recommendations that you can let your children play without any worries-

  • Tilt Brush
  • Astro Bot VR
  • Job Simulator
  • Angry Birds VR
  • Fruit Ninja VR
  • Garden of the Sea VR
  • Oculus First Contact
  • Cloudlands VR Mini Golf
  • Fantastic Contraption VR
  • Beat Saber
  • Candy Kingdom VR
  • Walkabout Mini Golf
  • Smashbox Arena
  • Pierhead Arcade VR

How To Set Up A VR Gaming Room For Kids?

Do you want to set up a VR room for your kid but need clarification on the space requirement? Virtual reality experiences might make you ignorant of real-world surroundings while submerging in these high-tech worlds, eventually leading to unwanted accidents. That is why the space and setting of VR rooms are crucial factors in kids’ safety.

When setting up a VR room for your kid, ensure the space is free from clutter or anything that could cause tripping hazards. Manufacturers of children’s VR headsets advise keeping these play areas far from walls, doors, and staircases. According to the recommendations of many VR headsets, a VR room or play area should be open enough and should have an area of at least 6.5′ by 6.5′ inches. Here are some tips and tricks that you should follow while setting VR gaming room for your kids- 

  • Create a clean, furniture-free VR play area.
  • Always let your kid play indoors.
  • Ensure there are no stairs in the playing area. 
  • To make sure the playground is secure, arrange to observe a few games with your children.
  • It might be a good idea to use a gadget to project the gaming to a TV so you can also keep an eye on what’s going on within the headset.

Before starting VR games or apps, many players prefer taking 5–10 minutes to become familiar with new play areas and understand their location in the space. To ensure that your VR space is ready for prime time, you can also consider keeping an eye on kids as they gain their virtual movement. 

Advantages & Drawback Of VR Headsets & VR Games For Kids 

The use of VR headsets and VR gaming has both positive and negative impacts on kids. It is not only about kids; adults can also face the same experience. Here are the advantages and drawbacks of VR headsets and VR games for kids- 

Pros Of VR Headsets & VR Games 

Here are the benefits of letting your kids use VR headsets and playing VR games- 

  1. Learning Tool

Both in and outside of the classroom, VR can be utilized to teach. Children will quickly get interested in anything they are shown, and because of this, themes and ideas that would normally be too complex to comprehend can be presented visually and in three dimensions.

Although not all virtual reality (VR) headsets are designed with kids in mind, several viewers, which simply need a smartphone to operate, offer games and apps that serve as educational resources for younger kids. For example- the Mattel VR viewer is a VR headset for kids that lets any kid learn about outer space or the animal kingdom by practically diving headfirst into it.

  1. Encourage Physical Activity

At present, kids are so addicted to mobile games that there is almost no physical game played by them. Besides, the lack of playing ground is also one of the reasons for such citations. However, with VR gaming, you can remove this limitation. Even when stepping outside is not an option, VR systems can support encouraging physical exercise. Children could spend hours playing video games on outdated consoles, but virtual reality technology encourages movement. When staying physically active is part of an enjoyable gaming experience, kids are frequently inspired to do so.

  1. Inspire Creativity and Imagination for Kids

The extremely interesting and participatory VR experience might inspire kids to be imaginative and creative. This can be an excellent opportunity for your kids who might not have the chance to travel or physically partake in the kinds of novel experiences that VR makes possible. This will further open the scope for developing their mental health.

  1. Building Family Bond

Families can enjoy these VR headset games together as a shared indoor pastime. This opens the door for sharing more family time. And thus, the child can go close to his family members and make sweet memories playing together. 

Cons Of VR Headsets & VR Games 

Beside the widening benefits of VR headset and VR games, these can also cause negative impact on your kids. These are as follows- 

  1. Private Gaming Leading Introvertness 

 VR is entirely a private activity without the ability to screencast (only accessible on select platforms). VR might offer a more personal gaming experience compared to earlier gaming eras. When playing well-known, enduring games like Mario Kart and Call of Duty, other children in the room can observe, respond to, and usually participate in what is happening on the screen. Playing in a private environment can ultimately lead to introverts. And thus, the kids will be unable to adjust to the natural environment. And will face issues while mixing with friends, family, or other persons surrounding them. 

  1. Addiction To Gaming 

Virtual reality (VR) can be physically and mentally addictive. Most VR technology and game producers advise kids between 12 and 13 to use their products. Kids below this age range should not be given VR headsets or gaming experiences. However, this can get addictive to any age group, hampering kids’ studies and regular routines. 

  1. Blending Virtual & Real Life

Since VR is intended to mirror real-life experiences and interactions, it can make tense or violent events appear incredibly vivid. For young children, these in-game encounters might be upsetting or distressing. They tend to blend virtual gaming life into reality and behave abnormally. To avoid this situation, you must properly control your kids’ access to VR headsets and games. 

  1. Cause Eye Strain and Fatigue for Kids

Many parents have expressed concern that VR could harm their children’s brain development or vision. The truth behind these assertions is that there isn’t enough research or evidence to back them up. It has been demonstrated that children who experience headaches or eye strain after using VR headsets should have their eyes examined immediately because these problems only occur in children with vision impairments. However, VR, at the very least, can lead to eye discomfort and weariness for users of any age. 

Are VR Headsets & Games Appropriate For Kids?

Deciding whether a VR experience suits your children is quite similar to determining traditional video games. The main distinction here is one of perspective. Due to the player being immersed in the environment and having the option to interact with game elements using their own motions, VR can even be more engaging than regular video games.

However, the visuals are only one aspect of this. The development of “3D audio” seeks to simulate how sound would respond in the real environment depending on the player’s head location. Some headsets, such as the PS VR2, also have “haptics” built into the device. This allows for minute vibrations or pulses that further immerse the gamer. Haptics are also built into the controllers, allowing for somewhat realistic interactions with the virtual world. To know more about VR haptic, check out The Role Of Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality.

VR use is a demanding experience, but prolonged use may result in issues like eye strain. Additionally, since your child cannot see their surroundings when wearing a headset, there is a risk of damage. They risk falling or tripping over other objects in the room if the game needs them to move around. Now deciding if it’s ok for your child depends on how you manage them. And that is why proper control is necessary. You must know which games your kids play and how long they are engaged in the virtual world. 

Lastly, if you are considering getting a VR headset & VR game for your child but are concerned about how unpleasant it can turn out to be, rest assured that the positive effects will surely be worth it. In general, the benefits of utilizing VR are far superior to its tolerable drawbacks.

In A Nutshell

Parents’ control over VR headsets and games is a must to keep the kids in proper guidance. That is why you must get the best VR headset and appropriate games for your kids. Usually, the experts suggest not handing over these technologies to kids below 12 years. Though the world of virtual reality is fascinating, it has a negative impact on children’s mental and physical health. For instance, too much addiction will keep them from studying and socializing. So, as a parent, keep in check how much time your kids spend on VR games.

The settings of the VR gaming room are another crucial factor that parents should be careful of. While using the VR headset, the kids enter the virtual world directly, and movement is a must in VR games. It may eventually lead to an accident if furniture or stairs are around the kid. All these guidelines are already discussed in the above section of the article. So, follow them and ensure your kids’ mental and physical safety; don’t let them get lost in the artificial world.

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