Difference Between VR and XR

There are so many cool things popping up nowadays. Just imagine, today you can get into your favorite video game as if you are part of that. That makes everything unreal.

You are sitting in your home but you can visit the great valleys of the USA just by connecting through the internet and of course some authentic applications. It gives you the essence of viewing something in 360 modes.

Well, what is that? Virtual Reality (VR). I guess, we all know about this and are exposed to usage of this in a back-and-forth manner. Now if we change the term a bit and say what is extended reality (XR) and how are you using this?

Can you answer now? Many of us interchange the terms with VR. Are they the same or different? To get this answer quickly, roll your eyes below.

Perhaps the realities are used in human welfare in myriad ways but it’s necessary to understand both of the VR and XR terms clearly for better use. So, let’s learn together.

What is Extended Reality (XR)?

The XR can be the father of all other realities. By its name you can understand, it longtails the virtual and physical environment. How come?

It is the blend of both the real and virtual worlds. So, it can promote only the virtual environment for a user by a computer system that uses VR. Or bring the virtual object into your physical surrounding which is AR.

Sometimes, complementing both realities in the same computer interface is mixed reality (MR). So, XR can be any of it. It is a cross-term that can be used to describe the connection between the virtual and real world.

Simply, it tries to display the wonderful virtual reality and break the difference between your existing reality. So, XR can be anything that makes a difference in your physical ecosystem due to your engagement with the virtual ecosystem.

Thus both reality systems go hand in hand. XR catches all the other reality terms and works as the main force of all computer-generated realities.

Pros of XR

  • It is an umbrella of the three other realities. So, the data store of XR is much higher than the other one. XR helps to get and analyze the highest amount of user data in no time. 
  • It provides the best basis for decision-making. That means once an individual or business has data in its stock. He will be able to use it for further improvement. It’s like analyzing the Key Performance Indicator(KPI). For example biometrics, spatial analysis, movement, etc. 
  • As XR provides a “three in one” reality service, the efficiency of this as a learning tool is great. For official training, educational learning or simply launching the new app can be tested with extended reality.
  • Again it promotes remote working. You can be at your home but still work at your office desk. Because it enables augmented scenarios, real-time engagement, and also VR simulation.
  • Make sure the user gets a seamless experience of any of the reality-AR, VR, and MR without changing their cozy corner.

Cons of XR

Though it’s a cool-to-do technology it has some demerits as well. So, what are those?

  • Costly to implement. Due to the pretty high prices of the devices and applications, the mass population can’t afford them. 
  • Due to engagement with the XR environment, people might create a gap in their social surroundings. That makes them indifferent to the different social activities and most of the time they remain indulged in the XR.
  • The XR application might need users that are well-efficient. Without the proper knowledge running the content might be a difficult one.
  • XR contents can be big and if your internet connection is low in bandwidth, it can be an issue. So, downloading the content properly is also a difficult task with all the real content.

Real Scenario of XR and VR

  1. E-commerce sectors use it for better customer engagement. The try-on is possible with XR applications. Customers can pick their merchandise easily.
  2. Automobile development is fully integrating extended realities and virtual realities. The vehicle design, its improvement, etc is possible here. It’s like a test drive.
  3. Education and training are the leading ones.
  4. Virtual tours, and gaming all are common, shared sectors of VR and XR.

What is Virtual Reality (VR)?

It’s a sub-division of the extended reality. Well, VR is XR but you can’t say XR is VR. Long story short, extended reality supports the virtual one. Well, VR can place you into a brand-new functioning environment and capture your movement.

Simply it alters your surroundings. Once you are connected to a VR headset and tap into computer simulation you will be no longer in your physical environment. You will be a part of that in-built virtual world and your emotions are also driven according to that world.

Very interesting, isn’t it? VR is very popular for entertainment purposes. The gaming industry has adapted VR applications so seriously that gamers are no longer outside of the game. They wear headsets, have controllers, and sensing devices and gamers are fully obsessed with the gaming session.

VR has taken the gaming industry to another level. However, is VR only used in gaming? Not so dear. You can see the various uses of virtual reality around you all the time. Businesses, and individuals all use it for their easy experience. 

What are the pros of using VR?

  • Can serve as a great training tool in different sectors like medical study, and education. In these sectors, people can experiment with new things and think out of the box.
  • Of course, you need to invest some pennies for the VR setup, and system design but ultimately it saves you money and time. Case in point, you had to visit a place but now you can’t afford it but it is affordable to visit that place with the help of VR.
  • Easy to work and run any business from the remote end.
  • As there is no physical existence, there is less chance to harm anyone or any system. That means no risk factor.
  • Developing any new prototype is easy with VR.
  • You can communicate to your intended area in a controlled manner yet a realistic scenario.
  • Simply tackles the arising complex issues of any business and tries to bring a newer formula.

Remember all these perks are for various sectors rather than gaming. The upper hand of VR in gaming is more dynamic.

Cons of VR

Despite having the brightest sides, the VR application comes with some drawbacks as well. These drawbacks can differ from one zone to another. For instance, what is an issue for the gaming side, might not be an issue for education and other sites. So let’s see the cons…

  • Content Loading: User demand for diverse VR content but the VR content is big and difficult to load in the system. Moreover, the content developer also finds it cumbersome to design new content regularly.
  • Human health hindrance: A regular and sound functioning of the body can be altered due to the excessive use of VR sets. Most gamers face this. Abdominal pain, mental illness, etc can occur.
  • High-tech requirements: The virtual reality environment requires a high-tech environment. From computer processors, displays, or phone systems to VR accessories- all must be highly equipped to match the VR content. Otherwise, the system may not work correctly.
  • Expensive: It saves you time by remote access and enhances your doability but the accessories, set up and everything can cost you higher. In the end, a great number of people can’t afford it.

So, the VR lets you be part of a simulated surrounding without changing your real position. You can be in your cozy position, yet experience the amazing features and content of VR. You can learn, apply from and interact with the 3D world in this computer simulation.

Overview of VR And XR

SubjectVR XR
DefinitionIt is a subdivision of XRIt is a blend of AR, VR, and MR.
EnvironmentAn immersive virtual environment where people are no longer part of their physical environment. All their emotions and activities are related to the displayed scenario.It promotes an intuitive environment. You can go for physical plus virtual reality or only virtual reality.
CostCostlyA bit less than the VR 
Application siteGaming, entertainment, online business, education, training, etcProduct development, customer service, training, entertainment, etc.


I think the heap of VR and XR or other realities is a prominent feature of this modern era. People interchange between XR and VR but remember, there is a thin line between the two.

From your online surfing, entertainment, gaming, and buying to serious learning and virtual tour all is possible with just a headset and computer-simulated applications.

We are so bound by the goodness of these technologies that we can’t think of our life without them. Easy shopping or easy learning, the extended and virtual realities triumph in every trial. So, What’s your current status of adapting to the cool technologies?

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