Voice Search Trends and Statistics That Blow Your Mind

From weather to tracking the best traffic route voice searching has become an everyday thing in our life. Rather than constantly typing and clicking on the options, one can easily speak out his searches and get results at the easiest time. 

The trend of voice search is continual growth. You can’t ignore it. Due to the leverage of mobile voice searches, voice search optimization for websites has become a mandatory thing. It makes the overall SEO of the website good. Okay, then let’s see some mind-blowing voice search trends and statistics in this read. So, sit tight and enjoy the reading.

15 Mind Blowing Voice Search Statistics

These underlying statistics can make you feel how far the voice search usage has gone and for the business, it is a reminder that they need to adapt the trends frequently to reach the users in no time.

voice search statistics

Source: Search Engine Land

  • 71% of consumers love to use voice searches rather than typing online. 
  • 31% of the smart speakers fall in the age group of 18-24 and they use the voice search technology very often and smoothly.
  • 24% of people have the smart speakers.
  • 24% of online consumers have two smart devices.
  • 47% of smart speakers own two smart devices.
  • 20% of smart speakers and smartphone users use their voice assistant many times a day. 34% of the US population use it.
  • 29% of smart speakers have three smart devices.
  • 28% of smart speakers are worried about their device security and privacy.
  • 25-49 year old adults are more likely to use voice search technology. They are tagged as “Heavy Users”.
  • Only 10% of online users are not familiar with voice search and related devices.
  • 9% of people use voice searches in their home appliances.
  • 19% of people use voice searches from the tablets.
  • 21% of users do voice searching from their computers.
  • 23% of users do voice searches from their cars.
  • 24% of the people do the voice search from voice search enabled TV and remotes.

So, these are the most fascinating voice search statistics that you can see in general and these statistics follow the trend.

Increasing Popularity of Voice Search Rather Than Typing

The voice search popularity is increasing. Because 71% of the consumers are using voice searches instead of typing. This allows the population to do multiple tasking. You can do many tasks at a time. This has hit the working people very much. They can do voice searches from anywhere anytime.

On the other hand, disabled persons are also not deprived of online searching. They can also do online searches with the voice assistant. In a survey, it is found that 7 out of 10 people prefer voice searches rather than typing. So, this trend justifies the statistics.

Voice Search For Shopping

Another big portion of voice searches is used for any online order. Do you want to order food? You can do it with voice searches. 51% of the local population use voice searches to deliver food, grocery, and so forth.

Because it is easy to order whenever you need. There are smart devices that do periodic voice searches for you and order the daily needs of your house regularly even if you forget to order one. The role of voice search on the shopping journey is remarkable.

One can always order goods online with voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and others. Then the shopping process does not end here. There are other after-processes. Like- 17% of the shoppers use voice searches to purchase the products on a periodic process.

20% of shoppers give reviews and ratings to websites they buy from, then 30% use it to track the products. As a result, the business needs to optimize voice searches in a strategic way that can drive more traffic in a row and increase its ROI. 

Using the Smart Speakers For Traffic and Weather

The most hyped usage of the voice assistant is for finding out the best traffic and weather. If you are going out, you can ask Alexa or your mobile to search for the weather. You can now carry your necessary things. If it’s raining, carry an umbrella.

Voice searches for traffic usage are used by more than 23% of people. Around 41% of adults use voice searches for daily purposes. It gives you convenience and an easy-operating rule. It is estimated that around 14% of people use the voice assistant for hands-free operation while driving.

Voice Search For Local Information

No doubt voice searches help you to find the best business around you. How is that possible? If the websites use their location, products, and FAQs accordingly aligning with the voice search optimization strategy, the nearest traffic can eventually trace them.

Hereby the Google Featured Snippet helps you uphold your business or web content beautifully. In this way, the buyers can get commercial, informational, and transactional information with the help of voice search. In general, e-commerce needs to work on voice search optimization from the beginning of its journey.

This assures you a smooth conduct with the users and beyond. There 13% of people who go for informational voice searches. Then commercial searches are information that people investigate before buying.

The number is almost 33.2 million in the USA. 42% of the global population uses voice searches to buy products at least once a month. So, the voice search keywords must be in focus by the website owner while they are planning to go online.

The Trend of Voice Ads

People are more likely to accept voice ads than other ads in social media, print, and TV. While half of the people who own smart speakers/ voice assistants, they are more engaged with voice ads.

They say, the voice ads appeal to them in a great way and drive them to seek further. As 29% of people have three smart speakers. So, in a survey, it is noted that around 39% of people have confessed that voice ads are more engaging than other types of ads. The number is going to increase.

So, voice ads optimization has many great scopes to work with. Again 40% of netizens believe that the voice ads are engaging and compel them to buy products or services.

Controlling Home Appliances

Around 300 million smart homes are there. And 60.4 million houses in the USA are actively using smart house devices. As a result, the smart home appliance coupling with voice searches bears a great treat. For example, You can command Alexa to turn off the lights, turn on the washing machine, lock the door, and whatnot.

So, the process is a blend of smart devices. Smart electronics and smart speakers. It is noted that people spend around 1172$ on smart-tech home appliances.

Voice Searches Using Mobile

91.21% of people in the world are mobile phone users. The voice assistant is the mobile phone that is repeatedly used. To know any information, people just take their phone and speak. Within 0.42 seconds they can get the best results from the Google search engine.

Thus no worries about typing. Most of the mobile phone users who use voice searches belong to the age group 16-34. So, mostly Generation Z are prone to the mobile phone. Asian countries have a great number of people who are smartphone users. Voice searches greatly influence mobile users. 20% of people use voice searches through mobile. 

Voice Enabled Chatbots

In many businesses, there are voice enabled chatbots that are used to attract more of the users. The smart speakers when searching for anything, make the way to your website and expect something different. Here the voice enabled chatbots might do the work for you.

Human-interactive actions are always the best. Here the e-commerce chatbots can offer the customers to feel more comfortable and no need to look at the mobile screens anymore. The voice enabled chatbots are trained in such a way that they are able to answer the most relevant and FAQs very easily.

Key Takeaway

How big the voice searching community is! The statistics and trends clearly show that the voice searches and optimization is in linear growth. Population is leaning more towards smart devices rather than typing. If you are a consumer, who wants to be smart in online searching can definitely switch to voice searches.

Similarly, e-commerce sites or any websites need to clearly set strategies to optimize the voice searches. Because voice search optimization is different from the text. No doubt, the voice searches are going to travel a long way afterwards. So, where do you want to find yourself? People who do voice searches? Or the small amount that don’t. Follow the statistics and trends pupils!

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