Internet Of Things in Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

The Internet of Things (IoT) in smart buildings and infrastructure has changed the entire lifestyle game! They have made possible what people have been dreaming of for thousands of years.

IoT in smart buildings has taken automation to the next level; temperature and humidity control, fire detection, energy efficiency building management, health and safety, security, and access control are all products of IoT.

However, the list doesn’t end here; there is far beyond to know. So, here I bought to you the ultimate guide to the Internet of Things in smart buildings and infrastructure; let’s begin-

What Is Internet of Things in Smart Buildings and Infrastructure?

 A smart building and infrastructure use technology to provide residents with security and comfort while enabling cost-effective and environmentally friendly resource use. Many current technologies may be employed in smart buildings, which are also created or remodeled to accommodate modern technologies. Building control systems, computational intelligence (AI), augmented reality, and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors are a few of the robotics and processes that can be utilized in a smart building to regulate and enhance its performance.

Facilities that make use of connected technologies and automation are available in smart buildings. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) technology, they can monitor and assess surroundings and workflows. These structures give property managers more authority to reduce energy waste and criminal activity like trespassing and damage.

Smart buildings and infrastructures can do the following thanks to sensors and remote capabilities:

  • Enhancing the ease of use for facility managers
  • Increase the safety and comfort of building occupants
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Reduce the cost of operating the facility

Types of Smart Building & Infrastructure

When classifying the use of IoT in infrastructures, smart buildings can be primarily divided into three major types based on their environment and usage. These are as follows-

A.  Smart Residential Buildings

Smart residentials are built to increase resident comfort and safety, automate home maintenance routines, track energy consumption, and manage home security systems. These activities are all possible due to the inclusion of IoT devices in our day-to-day life. These allow the automated scheduling of our daily activities, including switching on the lights, washing machine, etc., or turning them off. Besides, smart medical and health devices are helpful technologies used in smart homes to monitor inhabitants who are elderly or ill as well as youngsters from a distance. The most common facilities that IoT proved in smart residential buildings include-

  • Wearable sensors open doors automatically,
  • Permit remote management of numerous home equipment, like vacuuming, cleaning, dishwashing, etc.
  • Regulate the indoor temperature,
  • Track and analyze energy consumption and more.

B.  Smart Office & Commercial Buildings

The inclusion of IoT in commercial buildings and offices has increased work productivity. A pleasant consumer experience outside people’s homes is the goal of commercial IoT applications installed at grocery stores, shopping centers, lodging establishments, hospitals, galleries and exhibitions, and entertainment complexes. The IoT technologies that these buildings have provides the following facilities-

  • Control access and security
  • Keep track of merchandise in retail establishments
  • Compile information on people’s movements in public areas
  • Offer location services to guests of hospitality establishments
  • Centralized control of electricity, lighting, heating,  & ventilation
  • Parking slot management
  • Controlling elevators and emergency exits, etc.

C.  Smart Warehouses and Manufacturing Buildings

Industrial IoT (IIoT) networks are used to operate smart manufacturing and storage facilities in the industrial sector. A smart industrial ecosystem is created by the IIoT, which combines intelligent factories, smart distribution networks, smart transportation, and smart industrial equipment.

The Internet of Robotic Things (IoT) refers to using robots in the smart sector. Using robots in manufacturing facilities and warehouses is one example of the use of IoT in smart industrial buildings. This shows how technologically advanced buildings are controlled in the industrial setting. And these are widely used in smart manufacturing buildings, which provide-

  • Automatic processing
  • Smart monitorization
  • Quality assurance
  • Testing
  • Packaging
  • Smart delivery and more

IoT In Smart Buildings & Infrastructures Around the World

We will demonstrate some of the most intelligent infrastructures using IoT technologies worldwide to help you comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of smart buildings.

These buildings were able to drastically lower operating expenses, perform better in terms of maintenance, use less energy, and improve both productivity and well-being. So, let’s check them out-

The Edge, Amsterdam

The Edge, Amsterdam

The Edge in Amsterdam is rightly regarded as the height of smart building design. Nearly 30,000 IoT sensors are housed in The Edge, and they all gather anonymous data on practically everything that occurs inside. These functions include-

  • IoT is present across every sector, including printers, coffee makers, lighting, room occupancy, and building heating and cooling systems.
  • Using smartphone apps, employees can locate parking spots, find vacant desks, notify facilities management of problems, and monitor their energy usage inside the building.
  • Machine learning algorithms are employed throughout the IoT network to optimize energy consumption, user convenience, and efficiency.
  • The IoT network monitors and manages lighting, temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, and other factors that affect people’s comfort in the area.

The Salesforce Tower, San Francisco

The Salesforce Tower, San Francisco

The Salesforce Tower is one of San Francisco’s most recognizable structures in the city skyline. It is not only among the tallest structures in the US, but it is also among the most smart. The amenities that this smart building has are as follows:

  • It has improved air quality maintenance technology and a smart HVAC system to create a comfortable environment for each employee.
  • Security is yet another element that is essential for many smart buildings. In the Salesforce Tower, a system collects signatures and verifies each person who enters or exits the building.
  • IoT devices enhance the indoor environment’s quality for maximum worker satisfaction and higher productivity. For instance, residents can change the temperature in their workstations.

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Capital Tower, Singapore

Marina Bay Sands is one of the biggest and smartest buildings in Singapore. New smart technologies are constantly added to this Tower to boost productivity and tenant comfort. This tech includes-

  • A smart HVAC system that can collect air to increase cooling throughout the property
  • Smart lighting that turns on enough light when a human is identified is some of its advantages.
  • Measures the amounts of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the building to make sure the air is healthy and not getting too bad.
  • Numerous sensors have been installed in the Capital Tower’s parking lot. Each parking space has occupancy sensors to guide the drivers to available space.

The Crystal, London

The Crystal, London

The Crystal in London is among the most technologically advanced structures in the United Kingdom. The convention center was built in 2012 and received high sustainability ratings with BREEAM  and LEED platinum.

  • A sophisticated building management system (BMS) at The Crystal regulates energy, water, HVAC, and lighting use.
  • When indoor and outdoor conditions change, the Crystal Building Energy Management System detects them and determines the best, most energy-efficient ventilation mode for each building area.
  • The Crystal is an entirely electric structure that produces its energy using more than 5,000 square feet of photovoltaic solar panels and a ground-source heat pump.
  • The windows open themselves, and natural ventilation is utilized when the temperature is appropriate. The windows close in cold or hot weather, and an internal system for ventilation takes over.

Essential Elements For IoT in Smart Building & Infrastructure

You will require some essential components to bring IoT technology to build a smart building. These include-

IoT Gadgets

IoT gadgets with sensor technology that supports a variety of functions are essential for smart buildings. The majority of these gadgets use wireless access points. However, they can operate within the wired infrastructure of modernized facilities. These devices include temperature, humidity, air quality, observing electrical current and gas, smoke, pressure proximity in the water, and more. IoT gadgets frequently use open protocols. They can now communicate with other devices, systems, analytics platforms, and building-related software that combines to build an IoT smart building.

Internet Connectivity

IoT devices in more recent smart buildings rely on integrated wireless access points. In contrast, the wired IT infrastructure shares paths and integration points with an electricity system. Power over Ethernet combines these two functions (PoE) technology, which enables Internet cabling to also serve as an electrical conductor.

Although this continues utilizing fixed cabling routes, it gives smart building designers and architects much more flexibility. As technology develops, more inventions like Li-Fi, which could replace previous wireless technologies, are being created to increase the availability and dependability of building connectivity.

In smart buildings, Wi-Fi reliability is of utmost importance. Connectivity is required for IoT devices to transfer data. Now you may question what would happen if an internet connection is lost. No worries, there are methods to manage intelligent buildings when connectivity is momentarily lost. These include-

  • Allowing devices to communicate with one another via a mesh network as opposed to delivering information to the main control system.
  • Creating a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) with smartphones or other portable devices.

Cloud Computing

The potential of building data is becoming more safely accessible thanks to cloud computing. You can save upfront costs by using the cloud instead of local data storage, and it provides excellent flexibility as your demands evolve.

For regulatory purposes, some buildings are required to have some amount of on-site data storage. However, cloud servers are frequently safer than their local counterparts because the best cloud providers employ cutting-edge cyber security techniques and do not necessitate virtual private networks (VPNs). A cloud provider can continually back up important data across various servers in different regions to ensure redundant operation.

Analytics software

Building data is only effective with analytics software. This leads to surroundings that are more cozy, healthier, and energy-efficient. And so, analytic software is a must-have factor to provide comprehensive visibility into building performance and enhance building systems. The benefits of having analytical software for your building include the following –

  • Analytics software provides your insights through a mobile-first dashboard on any connected device.
  • Custom rules-based advanced automation opportunities reduce the requirement for manual intervention and the chance of human error.
  • Machine learning capabilities continually improve automation.
  • Advanced problem detection and diagnosis techniques use numerous layers of analysis to pinpoint the origins of abnormalities, detect abnormalities as early as feasible, and suggest fixes.
  • Prioritized alerts cut down on unnecessary alarms.
  • It offers predictive analytics to help you uncover technological problems before they become failures.
  • Provides tools needed to develop more effective management and security plans for your building.
  • All stakeholders can access the required information thanks to customizable reports with clear graphics.

Integration Platform

Building systems, analytics programs, and IoT devices must connect for smooth communication. And this is possible through an integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) that employs open protocols.

Data flows freely into and out of the systems of a smart building thanks to an integration platform. These platforms, supported by cloud servers, maintain relationships across data sets, standardize data, and do away with the need for intricate setups. An integrated framework with strong capabilities and excellent scalability is the end product.

Application of IoT in Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

IoT in smart buildings and infrastructure makes the lifestyle and security system more convenient and upgraded. However, the interconnection of the building’s essential systems is its key characteristic in this system. You can share information that can be utilized to automate numerous activities, including heating, ventilation, lighting, air conditioning, and security, by IoT in smart buildings. Check the below section to learn more about the application of IoT in smart buildings and infrastructures- 

Regulation of Building Temperature

Contractors’ management of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in commercial buildings is changing due to IoT for smart buildings. Businesses can intelligently monitor and adjust the operation and condition of HVAC systems thanks to IoT-enabled building temperature control.

Monitoring temperature remotely and intelligently is helpful for facility management and upkeep. A smart building temperature tracking system minimizes wasted energy and optimizes resource use for heating and cooling. Limiting usage on real usage also helps steer the transition to renewable energy sources.

Remote temperature monitoring offers early-warning information on how crucial gear is performing. Smart building temperature control systems are precious for preventing overheating and overcrowding of critical equipment, which helps avoid breakdowns. Temperature metrics can prevent accidents, injuries, and fire for improved workplace and operator security. They can also be utilized as a routine upkeep tool for optimized scheduling.


Starting from the lighting of your building to the door opening, you can make all automated via IoT. This is what makes your building smart. For instance, the lights on the stairs will turn off automatically as you step on them. Or, as soon as you put your car in front of the gate and scan the code, the building gate will automatically open for you. These are basic IoT used in house and building appliances.

For most extensive automation, consider temperature control or humidity detectors. As soon as the temperature of your room falls below the pre-setted level, the IoT devices will sense the fact and increase the temperature asap. Again, when there is an impurity in the air, the IoT gadgets will notify you about it. These are a few examples of automation facilities that smart building provides you. In real life, its usage is more extensive to know those who keep reading.

Space Optimization

Buildings and real estate are frequently a company’s second-highest expenditures (after pay and staff). So making use of every inch of the space in the best way possible is essential. 

In this case, sensors are a vital component of smart buildings and serve a significant role in data collection to support resource allocation decisions. You can use occupancy analytics to help you determine if your buildings have the appropriate types of spaces to satisfy your needs. For example- whether your meeting space is the appropriate size or quantity or Which communal spaces are the most or least popular? It can also help you to decide whether the available workspaces are adequate.

IoT In Water Usage

Because of the tremendous burden that rapidly growing populations, pollution, and climate change exert on freshwater availability and quality, water efficiency is essential. New water management methods are needed to guarantee the security of freshwater resources in the future.

For instance, a person in the United Kingdom uses 150 liters of water daily. Showers, flushing the toilet, using the hand basin, cooking, and other activities contribute to this volume. With IoT devices, you can track this water usage and make people conscious of their daily requirements. These technologies develop water efficiency solutions that use data to persuade customers to use less water.

One such example is Aguardio, a Danish company that developed bathroom digitization and water conservation. They build web software that uses cellular connectivity to instantly access data and IoT devices that track shower durations and toilet leaks.

Insect Control

Companies suffer operational and financial setbacks due to vermin like rats, mice, moths, and cockroaches. These insects contaminate infrastructure, spread disease, destroy merchandise, chew on cables, and other things.

The standard insect management method entails placing numerous poisonous traps throughout a structure. This strategy is ineffective because it employs more poisons and traps than are required. You should examine these frequently to ensure no unwanted insects have entered the traps. Besides, inspecting them is an expensive and laborious operation. But installing IoT solutions in your smart building can help you with pest control in the following ways-

  • Allowing the installation of smart traps
  • Letting staff check on deployed traps via insect control portals quickly
  • Keeping prices for pest treatment businesses reasonable through scalable pricing and minimal data consumption requirement

Building Maintenance

It is becoming more and more common to employ predictive analytics solutions to direct maintenance choices. This is all because of IoT enabled smart linked buildings to track equipment performance. Prioritizing which parts of technology or equipment need to be fixed can lower maintenance expenses. More smart buildings may benefit from personalized, proprietary, and automated upkeep systems in the future due to advancements in AI software development firms.

In maintenance, ioT sensors are widely utilized to alert staff members to impending repairs or issues. Personnel can perform preventative maintenance on equipment or systems before issues develop. Thus, these sensors significantly lessen downtime and lengthen the system’s life.

For example, you can get a more accurate idea of how frequently a facility in your building is used by gathering accurate data from devices like people sensors. This will allow you to take more proactive measures to manage wear and tear, cleaning, and restocking, thereby extending the lifespan of machinery, furniture, and appliances.

Fire Alerts

One of the critical issues that homeowners, architects, and builders worry about is house fires. Individual sensors have been utilized for fire detection for a very long period. These sensors, however, cannot determine the extent of the fire to notify emergency response units. Internet of Things (IoT) systems in smart buildings can solve this issue by putting integrated detectors in place.

The integrated detectors can detect various substances, including heat, smoke, and fires. The solution’s system software then determines the fire’s potential and communicates the anticipated outcomes to the appropriate parties. As a result, it is possible to inform residents, landlords, emergency services, and neighborhood police stations as soon as there is a threat. Besides, without jeopardizing building inhabitants’ lives, the IoT devices will give fire departments real-time data for testing. 

Security System Of Smart Buildings

Access control is one of the most crucial components of building security. Smart locks, touchscreens, alarms, card readers, and other security-related equipment are all made possible by IoT. In smart buildings, IoT-driven security programs operate locks and control the system both automatically and manually. This further sends you notifications and alerts you in emergencies via smartphone connectivity. Thus it allows you to monitor and control the security system anytime and anywhere in the world.

In this case, the CCTV cameras used in the buildings are a brilliant example. You can monitor and track the security of your building in real time. Hardware with USB connections combines digital camera modules with building capability. However, most of the time, using USB ports isn’t very effective, especially when real-time video switching or any other type of video processing is involved.

Think about the Raspberry Pi, for instance. It includes a digital camera module (Pi cam) that plugs into the board directly using a flex connector, bypassing the USB port. Because of this, the Pi cam is very effective.

Monitoring Infrastructures Condition

Even though modern structures are more robust than before, accidents still occur. The requirement to preserve the longevity and safety of buildings and other important structures, including walkways and pipelines, increases as they age. And the building and infrastructures can collapse due to any defect.

IoT devices in smart buildings and infrastructure can aid in preventing structural and building collapse as well as extending the lifespan of structures through proactive maintenance. IoT sensors used in smart buildings allow for the following:

  • Collect and analyze data to track structural deterioration.
  • Detect structural faults and warn residents and other important parties about them.

Pros of IoT in Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

IoT in smart buildings and infrastructure brings many advantages that can be listed easily. Yet I’ve bought you some primary benefits using this technology in your house or building-

∎ Environment Friendly: Most IoT devices coming to the market are manufactured keeping the environment factor in mind. They are made energy efficient and consume less energy. Besides, the IoT gadgets used in smart buildings are designed with the least carbon emission that contributes to climatic changes.

∎ Upgrades LifeStyle: The main motive for IoT in buildings is to upgrade living styles and make life easier and more convenient. The automation that smart buildings provide makes our day-to-day life magical. Thus it leads to a healthy and more effective routine. It further saves our time and assists us in making our lives more productive.

∎ Easy Maintenance: Building or house maintenance has become super easy using IoT devices. They ensure your building is clean, proper water or electricity supply, and more. These devices further suggest options to upgrade your building facilities.

∎ Health Benefits: IoT devices of smart houses have temperature or humidity directors that adjust according to the ideal level. Besides, there are air purifying devices that ensure the inside environment of your building is pure. It further notifies you if there are allergens or more dust particles in the air. Thus IoT in smart buildings and infrastructure benefits your health.

∎ Improved Security System: Security is the most critical factor for any residential, official, commercial, or industrial building. And IoT devices like CCTV cameras, Thief alarms, fire sensors, gas leakage detectors, etc., ensure the proper safety of the residentials. Besides, the software allows you to monitor whether all these sensors function properly.

∎ Increasing Building Value: People are now willing to pay extra in rent for IoT benefits in their buildings due to the adoption of smart buildings. Additionally, by lowering operating costs, real estate can increase its profit margin, which raises its resale value.

∎ Minimizing Energy Cost: The IoT system in smart buildings uses energy only when required. Thus misuse of energy is reduced. Besides, it also saves on maintenance costs. Human resources for security are always expensive. But employing IoT devices in these sectors can cut down your cost too!

Cons of IoT in Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

Besides the widespread advantages of IoT in smart buildings, you can’t ignore a few drawbacks. These are as follows-

∎ Too Expensive: Installing innovative technologies can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. This might be a considerable investment for smaller investors or businesses. And, of course, the size of the building and the number of solutions implemented also play a role in this.

∎ Security Issues: A risk is associated when practically every device in a facility is connected to the Internet. Cheap IoT devices, in particular, lack the greatest security software and are vulnerable to hacking by malicious individuals. Thus using IoT in smart buildings questions greater security issues. However, many nations and organizations are putting regulations or laws into place to compel businesses to increase the security of their IoT devices to combat this issue.

∎ Requirement of Continuous Internet Connection: The requirement for a constant internet connection is another drawback of smart buildings. The manufacturers have yet to develop a reliable network system to make the most of smart technology. If, for any reason, the electricity blows off or the internet connection gets lost, the IoT devices will stop working, which can create a mass in the entire building.

∎ Tenant Access to Smart Technology: Not everyone in the building is used to these smart technologies, especially the elderly ones. Many people still need to become more accustomed to technology, even though many youngsters today are growing up with it. Because of this, one objective of IoT and smart technology must be that it is simple for anybody to use without any prior understanding.

How To Make A Smart Building With IoT?

First and foremost, any building—regardless of age, size, or design—can be transferred from an ordinary building to a smart one.

Most people believe smart buildings must be ultra-modern, expensive, or involve intrusive installation. This isn’t the case; deciding what matters most to you is the key to designing a successful smart building. You could want a place that’s as secure as possible, or perhaps you’re more interested in meeting specific energy goals—and having access to reliable data.

So from where to begin? Follow the below steps-

Retrofitting: Retrofitting is the first stage in making your building smart. But what does retrofitting actually mean?

Simply described, retrofitting is the process of upgrading existing structures to meet current building codes by renovation, refurbishment, or fitting.

This frequently entails making adjustments to make a building more environmentally friendly or healthful for its residents by upgrading HVAC systems, modernizing lighting systems, and setting up an IoT network.

Installing IoT Sensors/Devices: Creating an environment that produces genuine outcomes,  IoT devices are your ultimate solution. This will ensure you get the greatest value out of your built space. In this case, starting your smart building formation journey from the basics is best. And for that, you need to install the basic automation devices in your building; these include-

  • Consider installing occupancy and capacity sensors.
  • Use Applications for temperature and humidity detecting and controlling facilities.
  • Install sensors for interior air quality.
  • Automatic door open and closing options
  • Motion sensor lightings
  • Start automating desk booking and other tasks using staff apps.
  • Implement thoughtful upkeep and cleaning.
  • Integrate the cloud with your building management system.

Proper Maintenance: Installing IoT sensors doesn’t mean the end of the game; the real game starts with maintenance. You must ensure all the gadgets are working properly and you have an efficient cloud system to connect and control all these devices.

Following these simple steps, you can easily build a smart home using IoT devices and applications.

The Future of IoT In Smart Buildings & Infrastructures

The sector of IoT in smart buildings is expanding. According to recent research, there will be 115 million smart buildings worldwide by 2026, an increase of almost 150% over the estimated 45 million in 2022.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and global sustainability laws like Local Law 97 and SECR, it is expected that more and more smart buildings to address current issues. We anticipate that these trends’ upward trajectory will continue with the following growth areas for smart buildings:

  • Increasing renter wellness even more by implementing additional technology that focuses on people
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and providing data to support this fosters an effective hybrid atmosphere as businesses and staff become more adaptable.
  • As competition increases, smart building companies are demonstrating that they can produce larger returns.
  • Greater emphasis on frictionless processes and easy integration

Buildings’ role in our lives has changed significantly over the last few years, and smart technology may help design more ecological, economic, and healthful spaces in the coming days.

The Bottom Line

The innovations that IoT brought to buildings and infrastructures are worth mentioning. It has undoubtedly uplifted the environment and the lifestyle of the residentials of any smart buildings. And more advancement in this sector is yet to come.

Besides managing general issues, the future generation of smart buildings will address personal problems, such as productivity and expenses, while avoiding environmental harm. We are undoubtedly excited to contribute to the development of the smart buildings of the future.

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